The evolution of the earth and its current situations….
Our world “Earth” formed around 4.54 billion years ago. In the beginning, It was formed with rocks and dust and, soon afterward, was smacked in the face by another baby planet (or possibly several small ones). when gravity pulled swirling gas and dust in to become the third planet from the Sun. Like its fellow terrestrial planets, Earth has a central core, a rocky mantle, and a solid crust. The early Earth had no ozone layer and was probably very hot. The early Earth also had no free oxygen. Without an oxygen atmosphere, very few things could live on the early Earth.
When Earth formed 4.6 billion years ago from a hot mix of gases and solids, it had almost no atmosphere. The surface was molten. As Earth cooled, an atmosphere formed mainly from gases spewed from volcanoes. After about half a billion years, Earth’s surface cooled and solidified enough for water to collect on it. Over the vast amount of time, millions of years, the earth gradually cooled. From these clouds, the oceans formed and the oceans absorbed a lot of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
Early Human civilizations arose first in Lower Mesopotamia (3000 BCE), followed by Egyptian civilization along the Nile River (3000 BCE), the Harappan civilization in the Indus River Valley (in present-day India and Pakistan; 2500 BCE), and Chinese civilization along the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers (2200 BCE).
After this process was done and finally the earth in its finest form. The beauty of this world and nature was over-showing its fabulous scenes and sights of marvelous creatures is something beyond the imagination of the human mind. Nature amuse us with its amazing sights.
`If we talk about today the world is in great danger. Modern technologies are destroying the clear atmosphere and damaging human health very effectively. The ozone layer is reducing which is causing more diseases and viruses affecting our lives. The real beauty of our earth is getting lost every single day.
We have an urge to cut trees for sake of wide roads using our great water resources to make electricity and many more things that are able to make our life such extraordinary and reliable but very clearly they are destroying our world every admirable thing.
The thirst for power and money is damaging our world and humanity very rapidly. People are killing each other whoever stands in one’s ambition just like old times. Our assets are decreasing rapidly. Our world is facing diseases, problems, cruelty, violence, corruption, and getting through really hard times.
As we all are very well aware of covid-19. That caused such a terrible crisis. People were locked in their houses, some with all comforts and some without food. Some were enjoying a good time and some were barely living. Some were breathing fresh air and some were barely breathing.
So nowadays, it is our utmost and foremost duty to save our mankind from the wild and corrupt leader’s businessman, and all others that are causing more damage to our world’s nature and people. So wherever you see injustice, cruelty, wilderness, and needy ones, instead of ignoring them and running away try to help them and save this beautiful world and human civilization against its enemies. The only way we can defeat its enemies and protect our world and people is together.